Cannabidiol (CBD) is the primary cannabinoid in industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) In recent years there is increasing interest in the therapeutic potential of CBD, which causes no psychotropic effects, is not psychoactive (cannot get you “high”) and even in high doses does not cause relevant side-effects.
CBD or cannabidiol is the main active compound in hemp and unlike THC, it is not psychoactive, so it doesn’t make you high. As you may know, inside the human body there’s the endocannabinoid system, with receptors spread throughout the brain and body. THC activates the CB1 and CB2 receptors, while CBD does not directly stimulate these receptors.
Cannabinoid receptors involves in a series of processes inside the human body, including the regulation of mood, pain sensation, appetite and memory. These receptors activate by endocannabinoids (produced by the human body) as well as by plant cannabinoids (like those in hemp or cannabis), and they’re grouped in two main categories: CB1 and CB2.
CB1 receptors are mostly in the central nervous system, and in smaller numbers in the liver, kidneys and lungs, while CB2 receptors are part of the immune system and in the hematopoietic blood cells as well. CB1 play a role in the production and release of neurotransmitters, cannabis products that exert psychoactive effects stimulating these receptors. At the same time, CB1 receptors involve in the lipogenesis process that takes place inside the liver, and seem to play a role in the maintenance of homeostasis (body’s internal equilibrium).
Various studies suggest that CB1 also influence pleasure, concentration and appetite, memory and pain tolerance. CB2 receptors on the other hand affect the immune system, being involved in a variety of functions like immune suppression or apoptosis (programmed cell death). Studies suggest that CB2 modulate the pain sensation and could play a role in various diseases, from liver and kidney problems to neurodegenerative diseases.
How does CBD work and what are CBD effects inside the body?
CBD does not stimulate these two receptors; instead, it activates other receptors, like the vanilloid, adenosine and serotonin receptors. By activating the TRPV-1 receptor for example, cannabidiol plays a role in the mediation of body temperature and other functions. Then, CBD inhibits the FAAH enzyme, a compound that activates the CB1 receptor. By doing so, CBD minimizes the activation of CB1 by THC, reducing its psychoactive effects.
Adenosine receptors are also involved in the release of dopamine and glutamate, two neurotransmitters that play major roles inside the body. Dopamine is involved in cognition, motor control, motivation and reward mechanisms, while glutamate is one of the major mediators of excitatory signals, being involved in memory, learning and cognition.
CBD blocks the psychoactive action of THC, this being one of the reasons it’s generally considered advantageous to combine CBD and THC when for treatment purposes. However, be aware that the positive effects of cannabidiol are not dependent on the presence of THC, so you can still take advantage of the health benefits of CBD by purchasing full spectrum oil with only traces of THC.
THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is psychoactive, while CBD (Cannabidiol) is not. The common effects of THC are euphoria, anxiety and short-term memory impairment. CBD decreases all the negative effects THC can cause. Another real distinction between THC and CBD is that cannabis with elevated amounts of THC is normally utilized for its rest inciting impacts, while CBD seems to advance attentiveness.
The Cannabinoid THC is responsible for the intoxicating effect of the hemp plant. A THC level of less than 1% and any dose of CBD considers non-psychoactive and thus have no intoxicating effect. As our products contain less than 0.2% of THC, it should not influence your ability to drive a vehicle, but you have to make the final decision, before getting behind the steering wheel.
We are not authorized to provide health claims. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If you have questions about the medical application and the range of effect of CBD products, please consult the Internet (e.g. at http://www.cannabis-med.org/ ) or ask your doctor or pharmacist. All statements on this website are without any kind of guarantee of the effect.
Hemp is generally safe, so there should not be any significant side effects of CBD, but we cannot rule them out as it really depends on how your body tolerates and adapts to these dietary supplements. We recommend to consult your physician before using any dietary supplement, including our organic CBD oil
CO2 extraction is an extraction process that uses pressurized carbon dioxide (CO2) to extract phytochemicals (such as CBD, CBG, or terpenes, flavonoids, etc.) from a plant. CO2 at certain temperatures and pressures acts like a solvent, without the dangers of actually being one. It is the most expensive extraction method and is widely considered the most effective and safest plant extraction method.
The THC concentrations in hemp oil are nowhere near enough to have any effect on you: industrial hemp plants (Cannabis sativa L.) generally contain only a trace amounts of the THC that marijuana plants contain. THC is the cannabinoid that is targeted in drug tests. These tests look for the metabolic products of THC and begin with a simple urine test sample. The test uses antibodies to detect THC and the metabolite it produces, known by the rather complicated name of ‘11-nor-delta9-caboxy-THC (THC-COOH)’. If initial tests find that you have more than 50 Nanograms (ng) of these substances in your urine, a Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) test is carried out to confirm the result. This test targets the 11-nor-THCCOOH metabolite and is not sensitive to other cannabinoids including CBD.
No, you can’t vape our CBD oil. It’s not made to inhale, but to be taken orally.
Our CBD oil has been diluted in MCT oil and there are potential health concerns related to inhaling oils (such as Lipoid Pneumonia), so we strongly advise against vaping our CBD oil.
No, you won’t get high on CBD as it doesn’t contain high levels of THC. Our CBD products contain less than 0,2% THC and it’s exactly THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) that is psychoactive. CBD is unable to get you high and is completely non psychoactive. Many customers do feel relieved and relaxed after taking CBD, but by no means will they feel high or get stoned.
CBD oil calms your mind so you can fall asleep faster. CBD therefore works as a sedative, as it were. The calming effect of CBD ensures that you fall asleep more easily, sleep longer and improve sleep quality.
CBD oil certainly has a supportive effect, but this effect applies to body and mind in general – not just specific aches and pains. That said, CBD oil can indeed bring relief in several areas.
CBD oil is known to have a calming effect on the user. Think of CBD oil as a way to relieve anxiety, a long-term aid.
As mentioned, CBD oil is mainly there for the general well-being of the user. It is therefore difficult to praise specific effects too much. You will have to try CBD oil for yourself to experience how much the calming effect can reduce your stress level.
There are now many manufacturers of CBD oil, but as far as we are concerned, Dutch Hemp is the best choice of all. This is because with us the entire production process is geared to the user. Everything is put in place to deliver the best CBD oil out there. Dutch Hemp's CBD oil contains many valuable natural ingredients, such as cannabinoids, of course, but also omega 3, vitamin D and vitamin E. In addition, it also contains lesser-known active substances such as flavonoids and terpenes. Dutch Hemp's CBD oil is subject to strict testing at all times, so you can be sure that you are getting the best quality.
Test, test and test some more. Dutch Hemp considers it its most important task to continue to improve the quality of its products. The bar is set higher every time, and we also want to see that this is met on paper. This is done by having the products tested by an independent laboratory – every time.
Research shows that CBD oil contains more than 400 molecules. In other words: a lot of different ingredients. But what is important to know is that CBD oil from Dutch Hemp is produced completely naturally. So all the ingredients in the final CBD oil are also natural, all coming from the hemp plant.
Of course it depends on what your preference is. CBD oil can be applied in small drops under the tongue, but CBD oil can also be mixed with food. In addition, there are capsules, edibles and other forms of CBD.
Rest assured, it is quite simple to dose CBD oil. When you order a bottle of Dutch Hemp CBD oil, it comes with a dropper. This dropper does most of the work. We recommend using CBD oil 1 - 3 times a day. It is difficult to give the perfect dosage for you personally. It depends on your preferences, body, weight, etc.
In general, we can say that it is always best to start with a few drops at most. Then you can work up from that dose. As you take these small steps, keep a close eye on your mind and body. This way you will automatically find out what the right dose is for you.
*Low dose: 10-50 mg CBD per day
*Average dose: 50-100 mg CBD per day
*High dose: 100-150 mg CBD per day
Please note: the maximum dose of CBD is approximately 150 mg of CBD in one day.
Not only do we consider quality important, but we also attach great importance to speed and efficiency. If you order from us, you can assume that your order will be delivered to your home as soon as possible. We have all products in stock.